Update July 2023
Test Valley Borough Council has launched its new corporate plan. This is a key document that will guide the Council's work for the next four years through to 2027. The plan is the result of participation by communities across TVBC's area and it involved a series of workshops which engaged participants from the many villages and towns within the borough. Lockerley was one of the villages which provided a number of participants to the workshops.
The full strategy report can be found on the TVBC website and here . It is a big file but a good worthy read. It is a policy document and, as noted at the reveal meeting on Wednesday 21 June at Beech Hurst, it represents a consensus view of policy across all political colours. The Council's next step is to publish its implementation plan and this is expected to set out how continuing community engagement will be used to reflect the local community needs.
Representation is made through the parish councils and they are likely to wish to maintain a watching brief so that they can act as the formal route for engagement.
Those who were able to attend the public meeting on 14 December 2022 will have been introduced to the ideas behind a village development statement (VDS) and neighbourhood plan (NP). It's a vision of how the village and community might develop over the long term and what planning policies, infrastructure and facilities would enhance the community. It would be a strong guide to overall planning. This is really about setting the bigger picture for the future rather than any specific, local or contemporaneous issues.
Some sites that may help to understand the scope of what is involved:
Home - Locality Neighbourhood Planning<https://neighbourhoodplanning.org/
Neighbourhood Planning Test Valley Borough Council https://www.testvalley.gov.uk/planning-and-building/planningpolicy/neighbourhood-planning
Neighbourhood Planning Guidance Test Valley Borough Council <https://www.testvalley.gov.uk/planning-and-building/planningpolicy/neighbourhood-planning/neighbourhoodplanning
The TVBC guiding document outlining the process can be found here
Village Design Statement guidance produced by TVBC
Some of the work carried out by other communities can be found here: