The farmland is predominantly improved pasture and arable farmland divided by hedgerows. Several areas of broadleaved woodland are found in this area. Oak is the most common tree species with abundant birch. Ash is uncommon and field maple is rare. Sweet chestnut is also locally abundant and has often been planted as coppice. Other trees found in low frequencies include holly, whitebeam, beech and rowan. Damper soils have alder and poplar.
The shrub layers usually have abundant hazel and hawthorn. Ground flora includes bluebell, wood anemone, red campion, honeysuckle, bramble, woodruff, wood sorrel, dog violet, wood spurge, twayblade and greater stitchwort with others such as herb robert and marsh celandine.
Typical orchids include lesser butterfly orchid, early purple orchid, narrow-leaved helleborine. There is a variety of flowering plants including white clover, red clover, birds-foot trefoil, knapweed, bulbous buttercup, yarrow, yellow rattle, selfheal and oxeye daisy.
Several areas of formal parkland and deer park are present within East and West Tytherley and Mottisfont wooded farmland including Mottisfont Abbey and Lockerley Hall Park, a deer park. In the case of Lockerley Hall Park, extensive replanting of pre-1810 woodland both within and along its formal park borders may indicate landscape design on a truly massive scale.
A considerable length of park pale survives associated with the deer park and fishponds north of Holbury Wood. This may suggest the presence of a now vanished or incorporated monastic grange associated with Mottisfont Abbey to the east.
More recently there has been a number of developments in the use of robotics in agriculture. Lockerely Farms at Queenswood are engaged in one trial in which weeds are identified and a second stage deletes the weeds without using herbicide. One of the companies engaged in this work is located at the West Dean park.