The October 2024 newsletter
The editors invite those within our community to contribute both with articles and the graphics - not photos - particularly for the header of the newsletter. Items for the newsletter should be sent to the
Lockerley Parish Council
In response to quality and safety concerns we have set up a
Butts Green Working Party
The next meeting is on Monday 7th October at 2pm on Butts Green (or in the Parish Rooms if weather is bad). Everyone is welcome. On 21st October we will be at the Parish Rooms from 12pm to 5pm and would invite anyone who would like to share their experiences and/or ideas on improvements to drop in. Please note a change of date of our meeting now to be held on Wednesday 30th October at 1800 at the Parish Rooms, Romsey Road, Lockerley. Apologies for any inconvenience caused by this date change. All the Parish Councils news is at our new website:
Lockerley Walking Group
Friday 4th October Walk to and from Whiteparish, leaving from Lockerley Green (not Butts Green!!) at 1000. Lunch at the Parish Lantern. You don’t need to be a regular member of the group - just give us a ring and let us know you’d like to come. Around 8 miles with a few stiles and wonderful views over Dean Hill. Or just one way and a lift home!
Contact Andy/Liz if you'd like to come so we can book our lunch at the pub - 017 94 34 09 93.
Wednesday 9th October - A morning walk with lunch. This was the walk we were going to do recently on a late summer evening. Unfortunately the weather had other ideas and we ended up having supper together but no walking. So here it is again - a circular walk with a little history. Meeting at 0930 at the Mill Arms, Dunbridge, SO51 0LF (car park at rear). Walk 4-5 miles. Lunch optional – please send us your choices from their website –
Wednesday 13th November - Meet at Lockerley Village Hall at 0945 to share transport to Pitton Village Hall car park. Circular Walk to Clarendon Palace ruin, returning by Clarendon Way. Distance approximately 7-8 miles, mostly chalk and woodland paths. Coffee stop at Clarendon Palace, bring your own drink. Lunch at Silver Plough - Please let Viv know if you’re coming -
The 200 Club Draw
August 2024 was made at the Memorial Hall Coffee Morning on Thursday 12th September by a non-member. The winners are:
Greg McCann £20, Jennifer Knowles £20.
Village Lunch Club
The Village Lunch Club meets monthly for a delicious two course lunch (£6) at Lockerley Memorial Hall. Future dates- Friday 18th October and Sunday 17thNovember at 1200 - 1430. The cooks and helpers join in and sit down and enjoy the lunch too. It would be great to have more helpers in the team (people usually lend a hand about 4 - 8 times a year). It's fun to do together and also get to know lots of new people. If you'd be curious to know more or might be interested in getting involved please contact Diana 017 94 34 02 36 or Liz 017 94 34 09 93
A date for your diaries – Saturday 16th November
Please join us for a Christmas coffee morning raising funds for Andover hospice (Countess of Brecknock). Cyclops cottage, Lockerley Green. Phone for more information or offers of help 017 94 34 09 93. Further details in November newsletter
Caterpillars Playgroup
Every Tuesday during term-time 1000 – 1130. £2.00 ‘play as you go’ at Lockerley Primary School. Come along to our playgroup for children from birth to 5 year olds. Each week there will be a variety of toys, songs, stories and craft activities run by a qualified teacher. We also have baby-weighing scales. No need to sign up, just come along and join in the fun
Lockerley Primary School
Tuesday 1st October 0830 – 1100. We are taking part in the World’s Biggest Coffee Morning supporting Macmillan Cancer Care. Please come along and join us. There will be a raffle and home produce stall.
West Tytherley Primary School
Weekly Forest School Sessions * Pure Reception Class * Beautiful Spacious Grounds. Rated ‘Good’ in all five judgement areas. “Pupils behave well and are polite and courteous” – Ofsted, December 2022. Open days Thursday 10th October, Tuesday 5th November, Thursday 21st November 0930 -1100
West Tytherley Community Shop
Please remember that our West Tytherley shop is a not for profit enterprise run for the community by the community. It’s surprising what you can find there, from everyday essentials to delicious extra treats. The wine selection is pretty good too! There’s a post office on Tuesday and Friday mornings, and a prescription collection service for Stockbridge and Whiteparish surgeries. Please pop in to see what’s on offer and help ensure its future.
Puccini and More -The Joys and Challenges of Love”
Friday 8th November, 1930 (doors open 1845) at St Peters Church, Stockbridge. Nadine Benjamin MBE Soprano, Andrea Kmecova, piano. Tickets £20 (U18s £5) from (or on the door if still available)
Village Quiz Night
Saturday 9th November 1930 at Lockerley Memorial Hall. Quiz for teams of up to 6 people. Please bring a plate of food to share and your own drinks and glasses. £5 per person. Proceeds to be shared between Village Hall and local charity.
West Tytherley Twinkle Toes
For little ones aged 0-4 and their grown-ups! Please join us for child-led play, crafts, singing and biscuits! Friday (term time only); 0930 - 1100. King Edward’s Hall, West Tytherley. £2 per family
Thorngate Village Care Group
Our local support network of volunteers ready to help, all DBS checked, insured and ready, willing and able to help in so many ways – essential shopping, prescriptions, friendly phone calls. The Care Group is affiliated to the Good Neighbours Network and covers Lockerley, East Dean, East and West Tytherley and the Hampshire residents of West Dean. Requests for help can be made by contacting any co-ordinator. Diana 07974 98 01 38, Fiona017 94 34 10 98, Julie 017 94 34 08 50, Liz 017 94 34 09 93, Peggy 017 94 34 00 84 Peggy 34 00 84
Welcome Folder - for those new to the area
East Dean: Nicky Bell 017 94 34 1 228
East Tytherley: Rob Scoones 017 94 34 12 69
West Tytherley: Julie Neilson 017 94 34 08 50
Contacting the newsletter
Some important emails sent to the Editor have not been getting through, which has been very upsetting. For now, please email both
Having problems with missing emails?
A short article which may help you to set up your email system so that emails are not blocked from arriving to you.