The June 2024 newsletter

news ban julaug24

The editors invite those within our community to contribute both with articles and the graphics - not photos - particularly for the header of the newsletter.   Items for the newsletter should be sent to the This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. by the 15th of the month preceding that in which the newsletter is notionally published.

Garden Party at Greenview Residential Care Home,

Lockerley Green, 7th July, 1400 - 1700. Tea, coffee, soft drinks, cakes and music. Donations will be shared between the Thorngate Care Group and a Ukrainian charity

East Tytherley Country Fayre

Saturday 31st August 1200 - 1700. After the outstanding success of last year, we look forward to hosting another exciting event in 2024.  Visitors will be able to enjoy the atmosphere of a traditional village fete but on a bigger scale! We welcome back the South Central Makers Market with an exciting range of crafts, have added to the eco zone and have some exciting new attractions and demonstrations. Look out for the flyers and posters for more info. ‘Scrufts’ our fun dog show is sure to be a crowd pleaser as is the excitement of the pony club races. Wander around a large collection of vintage tractors and classic cars. There’s live music, a bar, a variety of food and plenty for the children to enjoy including Jake the Juggler’s circus skills. A packed afternoon of family fun! Follow us on Facebook, ‘East Tytherley Country Fayre’ where you catch up with all the latest news and updates. (Credit/Debit card payments accepted on many stalls, but some will be cash only.)

Lockerley Parish Council

Monday 8th July at 1800, (At the Parish Rooms, Romsey Road, Lockerley. How do we care for and protect our beautiful village greens?
Join us and ask questions at our next full Council meeting as we debate our new Village Greens Policy.

Helping garden visitors?

A specially designed garden for those with limited or no vision is opening in July and August. We’re looking for volunteers who will greet visitors, offer cold refreshments and give them any help they require. The garden is in the Thorngate area and will be open on Tuesdays and Fridays by appointment. Please leave a message on 07902 51 26 71 or email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. if you think you might be able to help. And if you or anyone you know is visually-impaired and would like to book a visit, you are more than welcome to call the same number.

Caterpillars Playgroup

Every Tuesday during term-time 1000 - 1100. £2.00 ‘play as you go’. Lockerley Primary School. We invite you to come along to our new ?? (they never said what). Their will be songs, stories, craft and toys. Run by a qualified teacher. We have baby weighing scales. Refreshments served

Lockerley Church of England Primary School

We have had a busy couple of weeks at Lockerley Primary School since half term. Children in Years 3 and 4 enjoyed an overnight camp at the Lockerley Water Farm. They had a wonderful time, playing games, eating toasted marshmallows around the campfire and they even managed a few hours sleep. We have a dedicated team of staff who are committed to giving the children experiences they will remember forever. We also saw success this week for both our Key Stage 1 and 2 teams at the schools cluster athletics event at King’s Somborne Primary. Well done to both teams, with Key Stage 1 children returning with bronze medals and Key Stage 2 winning the shield. We provide a rich sporting calendar to give the children opportunities to compete with local schools in both competitions and festivals across the year. We invited friends from our local community in to have lunch with the children and play games. The children really enjoyed the opportunity of sharing the company of members of our community. Thank you so much for joining us!

Our Junior Road Safety Officers

(JRSOs) are responsible for raising road safety awareness and promoting road safety issues to everyone in school and the wider community. This year the JRSOs have organised Road Safety Assemblies, promoted and judged competitions, held a 'Be Bright Be Seen' Day, supported ‘Walk to School’ week and written to our Parish Council regarding the poor condition of the parking area on the Green.  

Lockerley Primary School Summer Fair

Friday 12th July, 1515 - 1700. We are delighted to announce that our Summer Fair will be on Friday 12th July and we would love to see you all there! There will be raffles, produce stalls, tombolas, games, bouncy castle, BBQ and refreshments.

Lockerley Primary School Open Morning

Wednesday 18th September on 0930 1030. Come and see how we make a real difference. We warmly welcome you and your child to come to see our school. There will be many different activities for your child to get involved in including pond dipping, gardening, sports and (something).

The 200 Club

The 200 Club Draw for May 2024 was made on Thursday June 13th at the Memorial Hall Coffee Morning by two non-members. The winners were:
Ian Bradford £20, Eileen Henderson £20

Lockerley Walking Group

Wednesday 10th July ... an early evening amble ... meet at Butts Green at 1730 to share cars to park at The Yew Tree Inn in Odstock village. There is a gentle incline out of the village, then we walk across the downs to Clearbury Ring dropping down to return over fields from Nunton to Odstock. No stiles about 5 ½ miles long with some lovely views. We will aim to get back to the Yew Tree about 1830 for supper. Please let Susie Owers (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.) or Diana Bowley (dmbowley@ know if you are coming and if you are staying for supper. We will need to reserve a table. 

A morning walk Saturday 27th July

Come and join us for a pleasant morning walk of 4.5 miles in the New Forest. Burley village, known for tales of smuggling and whitchcraft, is the setting. Opportunity for lunch after the walk, details to follow. Contact Dot 01794 34 10 20 or Diana 01794 34 07 02

An evening walk on Thursday 15th August

The Walk will be Downton Moot Car Park to Charlton All Saints by the river west side and back the other side.  It's flat and there will be some road walking. Car Parking is available in the Moot Car Park on Moot Lane, Postcode SP5 3JP Time 1700 start at the Moot Car Park.  Meet at Butts Green 1615 as it would be rush hour if you decide to go via Salisbury. Cross country via Whiteparish and Redlynch is an alternative. Pub food is available at The Wooden Spoon on the High Street (SP5 3PG). Need to order in advance so contact Peter & Su Ashby for a menu if you are interested.

Village Lunch Club

The next village lunch Sunday 21st July from 12 noon at Lockerley Memorial Hall. Please let Diana 017 94 34 02 36 or Liz 017 94 34 09 93 know if you’re coming. The August Lunch will be at the Black Horse, West Tytherley on Wednesday 14th August

Cream Tea

Saturday 7th September 2024 at 1430 King George’s Hall, West Tytherley. Fabulous, indulgent cream tea in aid of Hampshire and Isle of Wight Air Ambulance. There will be a short talk by Dr David Sutton, who has been involved with the air ambulance since the start. Tickets will be available from beginning of July - watch this space

Thorngate Village Care Group

Our local support network of volunteers ready to help, all DBS checked, insured and ready, willing and able to help in so many ways – essential shopping, prescriptions, friendly phone calls. The Care Group is affiliated to the Good Neighbours Network and covers Lockerley, East Dean, East and West Tytherley and the Hampshire residents of West Dean. Requests for help can be made by contacting any co-ordinator. Diana 07974 98 01 38, Fiona017 94 34 10 98, Julie 017 94 34 08 50, Liz 017 94 34 09 93, Peggy 017 94 34 00 84 Peggy 340084

Greetings from Lockerley Baptist Church

We meet each Sunday at 10.30am for morning worship.  Anyone is welcome to join us for this service which is followed with tea or coffee and biscuits.
Our next Coffee Morning will be held on Wednesday 19th June in the back hall from 10am to Noon.  Please come and join us.  Light refreshments including home made cake and savouries will be available.
If you would like any further information or help please phone Brian or Marion on 01794 340695

Welcome Folder copies (for those new to the area) may be obtained from:

East Dean: Nicky Bell 017 94 34 1 228
East Tytherley: Rob Scoones 017 94 34 12 69
West Tytherley: Julie Neilson 017 94 34 08 50


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