Lockerley has its very own coffee shop.
Q: Where can you buy some stamps, post a parcel, collect some euros for your holiday and have coffee and homemade cake at the same time?
A: At Lockerley Memorial Hall on Monday and Thursday mornings from 0900 - 1300 when the outreach Post Office opens at the same time as the Coffee Shop.
Q: Who runs the Coffee Shop?
A: A group of over 30 volunteers who serve the coffee, bake cakes or set up the tables and chairs and have great fun doing so.
We are always happy to recruit more helpers, so if you would like to join this enthusiastic band come to the shop when it is open or please get in touch with one of the organisers including Hilary Thompson, Margaret Niblett, Sally Masters or Jan Musson.
When the Post Office on Lockerley Green closed in 2010 an out-reach Post Office was put into the Memorial Hall two mornings a week on Monday and Thursday from 0900 to 1300 some community minded people decided to have a coffee shop on the premises running at the same time. The Coffee Shop continues to be very successful, both socially and financially, having raised over £7,000 in the first three years it has been open, all monies going to hall funds. An enthusiastic group of helpers serve tea, coffee and biscuits and home made cake at very reasonable prices. Mums use the Coffee Shop to meet up after dropping off children to school. Post Office customers are calling in for a coffee and chat. The Lockerley Mechanical Society meets on the first Monday of each month to discuss weighty and steamy matters. Walking groups and teams of cyclists time their journeys to coincide with the opening times. There's also a book exchange.
We are always happy to recruit more helpers, so if you would like to join this enthusiastic band please get in touch using the contact form below.