scoutslogo tnExplorers, Guides, Scouts, Cubs, Brownies, Beavers, Rainbows : 6th Romsey (Lockerley) Scout Group

The scouts groups have been running since 1952 when the first Lockerley scout and cubs group was formed. The group was able to acquire the land for a scout HQ - the full address is Dennis Wooton Hall, Donkey Paddock, Lockerley, SO51 0LW - and the parish council allow use of the adjacent field known as the Glebe field. The scout HQ was built in 1972 following a successful fund raising campaign. It is maintained by its members and funding is provided through local contributions of those taking part and from the national organisations. The Glebe field is frequently the host for camps throughout the year.


We welcome Girls and Boys into all our Sections and are part of the Romsey District Scouts.
The Building and the field are available for hire – please contact the Group Secretary
 for availability, more information and prices.
All enquiries about the young people joining and adult volunteering should be addressed to
either the Group Scout Leader or the leader in charge of the section:

Group Scout Leader – John Papworth – 07967 81 83 44
Scout Section Leader – Michelle Sopowski-Scott – 07977 12 59 57
Cub Section Leader – Jon New – 07896 43 20 12
Beaver Section Leader – Naz Ahmed – 07771 92 55 59

Section Age Group Meeting Day Hours Contact
Fire Dragons
Beaver Colony 6yrs to 8 yrs* Tuesday 5.45pm to 7pm
Sea Serpent
Beaver Colony 6yrs to 8 yrs* Thursday 5.15pm to 6.30pm
Cub Pack 8 yrs to 10½yrs* Wednesday 6.30pm to 8pm
Arctic Cubs 8 yrs to 10½yrs* Monday 6.15pm to 7.30pm
Scout Troop 10½yrs to 14 yrs Thursday 7pm to 9pm

There is some flexibility according to maturity of the young person, waiting lists and agreement with Section Leader and Group Scout Leader