Lockerley parish council have opened a new site where it may be possible to research parish archives, the agendas and notes of previous meetings.  Some info relating to current activities - from the start of 2024 - may be present.  Try this link


Neighbourhood and Community Plan

Parishioners were invited  to make known their interest in taking part, or even continue to be informed.  The contact details are on this page of the Lockerley website.

The Test Valley Borough Council - TVBC - has taken care, quite some effort and time to collate the views of a number of communities within their purview.  TVBC hosted a reveal event on Wednesday 28 June at Beech Hurst offices at which the fruit of their consultation was presented. A booklet is available which sets out the findings, drivers and concerns that were discussed.  These will form the structure of an action plan which TVBC is committed to taking forward over the next four years. 

Although it would seem that interest in many communities had abated what is becoming clear is that consistent effort by communities to continue to engage wioth the process is essential in order that what is delivbered will meet the expectaions of each community. TVBC hopes tht PC's and theri communities will engage with this long ongoing process to make it successful for future members of each community.

Mobile Phone Services

Information relating to various planning activities can be accessed on the Test Valley Borough Council (TVBC) website click here to go to the page.  The planning seems to be focused more on the implementation of 5G for enablng smart meter operators.  However smart meters do not use 5G as propagation in houses is uinreliable but, instead, rely on 2G GSM.  A reliable 3G and 4G telephone service for a rural area would be a benefit to all.  In a rural area such as Lockerley most households have access to broadband services most of which, these days, offer WiFi calling with modern smart phones and, to a great degree, this obviates the pressure to provide conventional 3G and 4G services for home owners.  It does not, of course, resolve the issue for motorists and delivery providers. 

The folly of placing a mast on one of the protected village greens has been well exposed.  However, some research work has indicated that optimal siting would be the existing telephone exchange as it would provide really easy access to fibre and maintained mains power.  It may be that the site owner (apparently BT OpenReach) might not accept a competing service provider to use the site in this way.

See also What3Words as it is a lot more accurate a way if indicating where you are or where a delivery should be made. 

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